As an established and reputable moving company, AtoB Furniture Removals is proud to work annually for the Tour Down Under organisers who rely on our assistance in transporting bikes and equipment for competing teams. Our team of skilled removalists are highly experienced in handling delicate and valuable items, and we are always excited to be part of such an iconic event.

Phil, AtoB team member says, “It’s very exciting and something we look forward to every year.”

Throughout January, we took every precaution to ensure the safe transportation of each item, carefully loading and securing them to protect against potential damage during transit from the Adelaide airport to the Tour Village in Adelaide’s CBD.

We understand the specific challenges of transporting items for such a high-profile event, including coordinating with Singapore Airlines and navigating crowded areas. Our team’s patience, precision, and careful planning allows us to overcome these difficulties and deliver all bikes and equipment efficiently and seamlessly.

We are proud to have been part of this cooperative effort between the professional cycling teams, Singapore Airlines, and the Tour Down Under coordinators. We look forward to continuing to provide high-quality removal services for future events.

Looking for transport assistance for your next event? With expertise in interstate moves and relocating fragile items – you can be assured that your belongings will travel safely from A to B. Contact us at 1300 40 11 40 or here.